The Impact of the Fur Trade on First Nations

What was life like for First Nations before European contact?

What did the First Nations receive from European traders for the beaver pelts? 

What do see as the things happened to First Nations as a result of European contact and the Fur Trade?

Who were the coureurs des bois?  In the beginning was what they were doing legal?  Explain why or why not.

When King Louis XIV took direct control of New France what changes did he make to the fur trade?  What affect did this have on the First Nations?

There was a great increase in the number of coureurs des bois by the late 1670’s.  How was this increase affecting the colony of New France?

 The coureurs des bois were bringing in 50% more pelts than France required so in 1696 the King forbid the coureurs des bois from continuing wtith the fur trade.  What were the King’s instructions?

How did First Nations belief systems differ from the settlers in New France?


21 thoughts on “The Impact of the Fur Trade on First Nations

  1. breanna

    The first nations had a peaceful life before the Europeans came along into there turf. The first nations did not have to worry about hunting for a trade. The first nations just had to supply for them selves and their family. When the Europeans came they brought there diseases with them. this killed many first nations.

    • Justice

      Yes, I agree because back then, when my kokum was young she told me that the europeans came and started kayuss, just for the trading period so yeah the europeans did come and reck peacefullness.

      • Justice you need to do some research and back up your opinion with some facts. What happened? What was the life like for First Nations before European contact? How did their way of life change after contact with Europeans?

  2. breanna

    The first nations got guns and bullets for the beaver pelts. also they got horses, pigs, disease, newer technology from the Europeans. The first nation did not just trade beaver pelts they also traded corn, chicken and other foods.

  3. Justice

    The first nations life was peaceful because there was no interuption, untill the Europeans came along and ruined their peacefulness because they came and like practically took all the stuff, they needed such as fur,guns, and bullets. The first nations did not have to worry about hunting for the trading period, they just had to provide food for themseleves and their family members.

    • breanna

      i agree i even saw it on google and even my auntie says they just took all there stuff

  4. breanna

    I think the effects on the first nations are that they have a lot less land and were sent to residential school. so I think some of the first nations will be scared for life. also they are effected by the way the Europeans wasted the for.(that was hard to get) also when the Europeans started to bring there copper kettles, knives,rifles, wool blankets, flour, and salted meat. they had also brought diseases. so when the Europeans brought there stuff, they affected the first nations. when they started to trade guns and weapons, they changed the first nations ways.

    • You’ve mentioned some really interesting things in this post. Can you expand on the diseases that were brought here by the Europeans and explain what that did to the First Nations population? What is your opinion on the introduction of diseases by Europeans to your ancestors?

  5. Justice

    I think the people went down on fur and the europeans went down on anything that they traded the first nations for.They changed the first nations ways.

    • I’m not really sure what you are trying to say here. Explain to me how they changed the ways of the First Nations. During that time period what traditions or ways of life did the First Nations give up or change?

  6. breanna

    the coureurs des bois were the people that started the war because they decided to take over the fur trade.yes what they were doing was legal at first because the british did not attack yet so it was legal

    • You need to dig a little deeper here Breanna. Who were the Coureurs de Bois? What was the extent of their interaction with First Nations people? Check your History etext for more information. There is so much more you could learn about the Coureur des Bois. Have fun with it it’s your history!!!!

  7. Justice

    I think the effects on the first nations are that they have a lot less land and were sent to residential school. To a certain extent, the native people exercised control over the trade, bargaining and bartering with great skill to obtain new goods and materials. The fur trade could not have existed and thrived without the active participation of First Nations people. In many cases native women married European fur traders cementing alliances and closer relations with the traders, creating advantages in trade. Though First Nations people had some horses in the southern Interior before direct contact with Europeans, the numbers of horses increased greatly during the fur trade period.

    • It is clear that your responses is copied and pasted from the internet. I want you to research and gather lots of information. You need to read information from a variety of sources and then answer the question in your own words. Give me your educated opinion on the question not someone else’s answer.

  8. Juanita

    What was life like for First Nations before European contact?

    The impact of the European contact on aboriginal people in Canada before the Europeans came along. the European contact has changed the lives of aboriginal people. Some people believe that although the fur trade caused different changes in there culter life, the First Nations learned to meet the challenges of their new life.

    • Jen Dingee

      You mention that the fur trade changed the culture of the First Nations people. What was their life like before contact with the new settlers? Do you think there were any positive changes to their life?

    • You haven’t told me what their life was like before contact? What was a typical day like? How did they provide for their family? What were their traditions?….

  9. breanna

    Louis the fourteenth made four different places called Canada, Acadia, Hudson Bay, Newfoundland and Louisiana. those are some of the changes that Louis made.Lois made a war because he was scared he was going to lose the fur trade to Iroquois. so he had killed a lot of people because he wanted to keep new France. This effected the first nations because instead of living their peaceful lives they have to throw a ceremony for the people that went into war.

    • This really doesn’t answer the question. How did he change the fur trade? How did these changes affect the First Nations?

  10. Justice

    What was life like for First Nations before European contact?

    Life was good before european contact because they brought diseases and liquor, so that inturuped their life because when the europeans came, it caused caos, before they came along it was peaceful, while they were gathering food and medicane what will help them and their family to survive.

    I got this research from my Kokum Ester Pitchenese and my Grandma Vergina Mewasige.

  11. Jen Dingee

    The life of the First Nations must have changed drastically. You mention the Europeans brought diseases and liqour. What kind of diseases did the European’s introduce to the First Nation People? Why did these diseases not affect the Europeans? Did a lot of First Nations die from these diseases?

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